

Appointments at the surgery can be made online, in person or on the phone (01538 704200).

You can make appointments online if you are registered with patient access or the NHS app. Please speak to a member of reception to obtain the necessary documentation to register for this service.

Patients should always contact the practice if they are unable to keep an appointment.

If you are late for an appointment, you may be asked to re-book.



Doctor’s Appointment Times

Monday 09.00am – 12.30am 3.00pm – 5.00pm
Tuesday 09.00am – 12.30am 3.00pm – 5.00pm
Wednesday 09.00am – 12.30am 3.00pm – 5.00pm
Thursday 09.00am – 12.30am Closed
Friday 09.00am – 12.30am 3.00pm – 5.00pm

Online Consultations

Online consultations are a way for patients to contact the practice without coming into the surgery or calling on the telephone. Patients can contact us about new problems or ongoing issues by filling out a digital form. 

Our online consultation service will let you request advice, treatment, sick notes, GP letters, recent test results and more. The practice ensures their query is dealt with by the right person in the team, helping ensure everyone is supported as quickly and appropriately as possible.

Online consultations are open Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays), until capacity is met each day. If your query is urgent, please call us.

Click here to submit an online consultation.


For further information and FAQs about online consultations please visit Accurx's website.

Opening Times

Please select a site

Duty Doctors

We currently have two GP partners at the surgery. The table below shows which doctors are on duty each day in a standard week.


Dr Hampton

Dr Leggett





































Extended Access

All GP practices must now be able to offer patients a choice of evening or weekend appointments.

We are pleased to announce that appointments are available between 4 pm and 8 pm on weekdays and 9 am and 2 pm on Saturdays at other local GP practices. These will be run by a team of local GPs who will access your medical with your consent. Appointments are not offered outside normal opening hours at Alton Surgery

Please ask our receptionists about this service as these appointments can only be booked through our Practice.

Care Navigation

We're making some changes to help people get the right help when they call or come in for an appointment. Our reception staff might ask a few questions about why you need an appointment, but you don't have to answer if you don't want to.

Most people ask to see a GP when they call, but sometimes a nurse or pharmacist can help you faster. Our reception staff have information about different services that can help with different needs. If you have any questions, feel free to ask our reception staff.

a person sitting on a bed

Home Visits

Patients are requested, to telephone before 11 am if a home visit is required.

We prefer patients to come to the surgery instead of requesting a home visit. It takes much longer to do a home visit, we can see more patients at the surgery in the same amount of time. Also, the care received at a home visit may be impacted due to the lack of lighting, examination facilities and equipment.

Please note that the doctor may telephone you rather than visit you. The doctor will decide whether or not a visit is necessary based on your situation.

Our practice follows the “North Staffordshire Visiting Guidelines”.


Cancellations & Did Not Attend

Cancel an Appointment

It is important that you inform reception if you are unable to attend your appointment. This will allow that appointment to be offered to another patient.

There are a few ways to cancel appointments:
- Call reception on 01538 704200.
- Cancel in person by visiting the Practice.
- Use online services like Patient Access or the NHS app.
- Reply to the appointment text reminder.


Did Not Attend

Please be aware that a "Did Not Attend" (DNA) can occur when a patient misses an appointment without notifying the surgery, or cancels with very little notice. This can prevent another patient from taking the slot. If this happens, the reception team will contact the patient by SMS or letter and make a note in their medical record. The practice will consider any factors that may have caused the DNA, but if it happens repeatedly, the patient and/or their carer may be contacted. If the patient continues to miss appointments without notification, they may be removed from the practice list.

Late For Your Appointment

Please attend your appointment on time, if you are late you may not be seen. If you are not seen you will not be able to rearrange your appointment until the next working day-except in the event of an medical emergency that requires immediate attention.

Chaperone Policy

This practice is committed to providing a safe and comfortable environment and strives to achieve good practice at all times

All patients are entitled to have a chaperone present during any consultation, examination or procedure.  Clinicians at this practice will advise patients a chaperone is necessary during any intimate examination; this is to safeguard both the clinician and you, the patient.

Where a chaperone is not available, the clinician will ask you to make an appointment and request the presence of a chaperone at the time of booking.

We only use clinical staff as chaperones as they have had the appropriate training and have knowledge of the examination or procedure you may be undergoing.

Family and friends are not permitted to act as chaperones as they do not have the knowledge required nor have they had the necessary training.

Should you wish to see the full chaperone policy please ask at Reception.

If you have any questions, please speak to the reception staff who will direct you to an appropriate member of the team.


If you require an interpreter to attend with you when you see your Doctor please notify the reception team and they will arrange this for you.

Email and Text Reminder Service

We have an email and text service which allows you to receive confirmation and reminders about your appointments.

If you are not set up for this service, please speak to reception.

Please remember to update your contact details with us when you change address, telephone numbers and email address.

a person is using the cell phone