Our Staff



MBChB (Birmingham 1979) MRCGP

Dr Brown has sadly now retired from the practice.


MBChB (Leeds 2006), BSc Hons, MRCGP

Dr Hampton works all day Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Special interests: Children's medicine, Palliative care, ‘Pre-hab' and Education.


MBChB (Keele 2014) BCs hons

Dr Leggett currently works all day Monday and Wednesday. She also works Thursday and Friday mornings.


The foundation doctor is a fully qualified member of our medical team and registered with the General Medical Council. The foundation doctors are on a rotational placement undertaking work in different specialities within medicine. Each foundation doctor is with us on a four-month placement and works closely alongside our GP team.

Physician Associates


The practice currently has a full time Physicians Associate (PA), Isabella Shaw, working at the practice. She works under supervision of the GPs.


The Practice Nurse, who is also a Nurse Prescriber, undertakes nursing tasks including specialist clinics (Asthma, Diabetes, Weight Management and Heart disease), Travel Vaccinations, Childhood Vaccinations, Contraception, Ear Syringing, Blood tests and Cervical Smears as well as general Practice Nurse duties.

Clinical Support Assistant

Runs a Phlebotomy Clinic (drawing blood) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings. Also provides care and support to those patients who are at risk of being admitted to hospital so that they are able to remain in their own home.

Practice Management

The Practice Manager is there to help with any non-medical aspects of health treatment together with the day to day running of the Practice. The Business Manager is responsible for all financial aspects of the Practice.


There to help you and your family and to assist the doctors in the smooth day to day running of the surgery.


To dispense the medication and deal with your repeat prescriptions. From time to time they may ask you to see your own doctor.

District Nurses

The District Nursing team is based at Cheadle Health Centre and they work closely with the Practice. They can be contacted by calling 0300 124 0098 during normal hours. The Out of Hours contact number is 0300 123 0989.


Clinics are held at Cheadle Health Centre. Please contact Reception so that messages can be forwarded to the Midwife.

Health Visitors

Should you require Health Visitor advice please call 0300 303 3923. Our Practice Nurse undertakes all child health immunisations in surgery.

Attached Staff

We have working with us from the CSU, Nikki, Christine, and Debbie who are all involved in improving patient care through data improvement and medication reviews. There is also a range of staff working with the practice through the Primary Care Network.